About ENIC/NARICThe duties of Iceland’s ENIC/NARIC office are limited to academic recognition for institutions, universities, ministries, individuals, companies and other stakeholders.
Professional recognition is handled by the various competent authorities under the direction of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. The ENIC/NARIC office does not make binding assessments; it merely provides guidance or counselling regarding recognition. The Icelandic ENIC/NARIC office is located in the Academic Affairs Division at the University of Iceland, in accordance with an agreement between the University and the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. The University shall, according to the agreement, on behalf of the Ministry, discharge the functions of an information center (ENIC/NARIC office) under Article IX.2 of the Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher education in the European Region. ENIC for European Network of Information Centers and NARIC stands for National Academic Recognition Information Centers. ENIC/NARIC centres are run in the signatory states of the Lisbon Convention and cooperate through ENIC/NARIC networks. The Nordic ENIC/NARIC offices operate a special cooperative network, see www.norric.org. |
Role of ENIC/NARIC IcelandThe duties of the ENIC/NARIC office are as follows: